Althaë’s mission is to empower women by making the economy work for them.

We work with financial institutions, international organizations and companies to break the barriers that hold women and girls back.

Women can’t sit down and wait for progress.

This little girl in pink at the bottom of the picture, looking right straight into the camera while her mother is engaged in her savings group meeting, is calling all of us to action. “What are you doing for me? Do you think I will sit and wait patiently for things to change?” she seems to be saying. She is impatient and she is right to be.

Women are powerful change agents who need to have systems — may they be financial, legal, environmental, social, cultural, normative — work for them, not the other way around.

Althaë’s mission is to bend the arc, improve those systems, challenge the status quo and level the playing field so women thrive. I work in financial inclusion, women’s economic empowerment, women’s rights to change the way we lend money, we build business ecosystems, we educate women. I am curious about technology and adapting smart solutions to a new problem. I love being efficient, recycling good ideas, learning from failure and looking at the future.

I love nothing more than sitting with a group of women in Laos, Senegal or Guatemala. We talk about our worries, our hopes and dreams and together we share ideas to create change. It matters to me to move the needle a little bit towards making the world a better place, for all of us, men and women, and certainly for that little girl in pink.

Current Projects


    Collaboration on the design of a global survey examining women’s participation to peace and security work

  • KfW

    Market research on women led MSMEs in Senegal

  • PROPARCO - Propulse

    With IPC and CCX, provision of Technical Assistance to better integrate 2X challenge criteria in business strategies of multiple financial institutions in South America, West Africa and India

  • Fair Finance Guide - Gender Update

    Althaë is excited to work with the Fair Finance International and Oxfam Novib teams to provide a gener update to their methodology.

  • WOCCU: Supporting women and young entrepreneurs

    Althaë is working with WOCCU to support credit unions as they develop their markets to better include women and young entrepreneurs in Kenya, Senegal, Burkina-Faso and Guatemala.

  • Niger: Care's Mata Masu Dubara Women

    An in-depth system-level evaluation of MMD groups’ influence on girls’ education, nutrition, women’s maternal and reproductive health and early and forced marriage.

  • Government + VSLA Partnerships to meet the SDGs

    How can governments leverage the power of savings groups to meet the SDGs? Althaë took a look at how the governments of Rwanda, Uganda and Côte d’Ivoire have harnessed women’s collective power to make progress on key SDGs.

  • Women Deliver 2023 Conference - After Action Review

    Althaë provided Women Deliver with an After Action Review of the July 2023 Women Deliver Conference.

  • ICR Facility - Gender Assessments in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya

    Working with GIZ and IPC, Althaë is providing gender strategic work to three public financial institutions to strengthen their gender and climat e approach

  • Senegal: Gender Discussions

    Key learnings from two days of training in Dakar with Baobab’s passionate teams eager to learn about basic gender concepts and financial education tools they can share with their female clients.

  • GIZ - Women at the nexus of Resilience & Financial Inclusion

    Market scan looking at innovative model supporting women who build rural resilience

  • WEE & IDs

    Description goes hereAn ID can unlock a world of opportunities for women, yet they are still so hard to obtain.

  • Senegal: Discovering Women Traders!

    Description goes hereWomen are travelling more often and further away to bring back goods to sell on Senegal markets, changing business models.

  • Egypt DFS Market Bite

    A hub for FinTech, Egypt is launching digital transformation at a rapid pace. With colleagues from SIA, we took a deep dive into this fascinating market.

  • Ghana: Broadening Collateral Options for Women Entrepreneurs

    Sinapi Aba, a leading MFI in Ghana tested a product making it easier for women to have the collateral they need to get a loan for their business.

  • Senegal: GIFT - Gender Investing Framework & Toolkit

    An investment framework and toolkit for Credit Unions designed in partnership with WOCCU and a network of credit unions in Senegal.

  • Hey Sister! Show me the Mobile Money!

    A free, audio-based digital financial curriculum with proven results in increasing women’s confidence and use of digital financial services.

  • Gender Assessment

    Organizations take a lot of steps to better integrate gender. But how do they know they are making progress?

Our Clients


How Althaë works

Althaë Strategy does not work alone. Sophie has created a network of like-minded organizations and colleagues with a wide variety of expertise who will be brought together on different projects.